Field guides of Mediterranean pollinators

Here we leave you some field guides of different groups of common pollinators in the Mediterranean. You will also find a useful field guide to the main morphological groups of plants with an indication, in addition, of which are their main functional groups of pollinators. These materials have been produced within the framework of the LIFE 4 Pollinators project: Involving people to protect wild bees and other pollinators in the Mediterranean (LIFE18 GIE/IT/000755).
*These guides are in Spanish. If you need them in English, Greek, Italian or Catalan, we recommend that you visit the project website:

Guía de campo de las abejas del Mediterráneo


Guía de campo de las mariposas y polillas del Mediterráneo


Guía de campo de las moscas polinizadoras del Mediterráneo



Guía de campo de los escarabajos polinizadores del Mediterráneo


Guía de campo de las avispas polinizadoras del Mediterráneo


Guía de campo de las plantas entomófilas del Mediterráneo