
No, no se ha vuelto locos los caracteres de tu ordenador. En el título, según nuestros amigos delScience Film Festival de Tailandia, pone algo que tal vez os suene más: “La importancia de los lagartos en los ecosistemas insulares”.

En 2010 este vídeo resultó finalista en el certamen organizado  por el Instituto Goethe, la embajada de Francia y el Institut for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology in Thailand, y nos han enviado una copia doblada al tailandés.

La hemos colgado en Vimeo por si os apetece disfrutar de esta versión un poco más “exótica” de nuestro vídeo:

[Thai version]
Through this 3D animation video the laboratory of Ecology and Evolution of plants and Divulgare Group at the University of Vigo want to show the role, unknown to the general public, of the lizards as seed dispersers in island ecosystems. These lizards change their diet in insular environments incorporating many fleshy fruits. By eating these fruits, disperse their seeds with a fantastic result for the plants. The video shows the results of a research project that the laboratory of Ecology and Evolution of Plants (University of Vigo) has made in the National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia (Spain) with funding from the Autonomous National Parks Organism.

This video, presented in 720p HD, was created for free use as teaching material. As far as possible, Divulgare group will continue adding more similar videos.

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